Sylvie thinks it’s weird for me to post my breakfast bowl.  She might be right, so just skip over if not for you.  I tend to eat the same breakfast for a while – until I can’t look at it any more…but I’m on a record of probably 10 weeks of this particular mixture of goodness.  I’m thinking it may last a lifetime, but I always think that.  The hot hot hot cereal (cooked with berries) combined with a little cold almond milk (or milk, soy or rice milk) and the addition of fresh cold fruits (the more colorful the better) makes me happy each and every day.  Even though I’m not hungry in the morning I look forward to it and manage to happily stuff it down.  This fills me to my brim – and that prevents me from sampling too many of my sweets in the AM – and from overeating in general.  So…enjoy this – and doctor it up to suit you and your taste buds.  I just finished mine.  Full and happy.  Enjoy-

You can also make this with chopped apples, raisins, dried cherries and cinnamon – especially if you can’t find good berries.

healthy 5 grain breakfast bowl:

1/2 cup hot cereal (I like Old Wessex All Natural 5 Grain Cereal – no sugar)
pomegranate seeds (so good if you can find)
and any other fruit – mango is nice, red currants too
1-2 teaspoons sugar (brown is nice) or small bit of Truvia
cold milk (I use unsweetened almond milk – but any milk will do) – use about 1/3 of a cup – or more or less to your liking.

Measure cereal according to package and add water (this one calls for a cup).  Mix in about 4-5 raspberries and 3-4 blackberries.  Place in microwave for 2.5-3 minutes.  The fruits will soften and liquefy to some extent and flavor the whole bowl with berry!

Be careful pulling out as it is very hot.

Sprinkle with sugar or Truvia.

Top with cold milk.

Heap on cold fruits.  Begin eating 🙂

Simple and so so good.

Add flax seed if you like – or wheat germ too.


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