I know I have many a chocolate cookie and brownie on this blog – but I think you can never have enough chocolate choices!  I read about these in Nicole Weston’s BakingBites blog and her write-up was so compelling that I had to bake them.  Another success.  “Incredible” Greg’s friend Matt said as he and Greg asked for another cookie.  Greg said they were the best ever.  And Andy, Sylvie and Rob agreed.  Alisa and her friend Andressa (who loves all things chocolate) also said “delicious.”  Friend Suzanne said the chocolate buttermilk’s were devoured quickly with everyone searching for crumbs.  And tasters Ari and Claudia (both eager and happy to be on my neighborhood tasting list :)) said the chocolate cookies were a little piece of chocolate heaven.  Claudia reports that she caught Ari standing alone in the kitchen simply savoring the cookie saying aloud to himself… “Wow. That’s good.”  These are very thin, very moist, very delicate, and very chocolate-y cookies.  The really do melt in your mouth.  No mixer necessary – all done easily by hand.  Oh, and there are no eggs in here – so these really are all about the cocoa and chocolate chips.  Enjoy-

As with many a cookie – you can save some dough in the freezer.  Roll into logs and cut and slice as needed.  Go to the bottom of the oatmeal raisin post for photos and directions.

Try not to overbake these.  They are great just done or even slightly underbaked.

buttermilk chocolate cookies (from bakingbites.com):

2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1 and 1/2  sticks butter, melted
3/4 cup cocoa powder (try to use a good dark cocoa – I used Valrhona)
2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2/3 cup buttermilk
2 cups chocolate chips (I used Guittard for a richer chocolate chip)

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Line baking pan with parchment.

Whisk together the flour, baking soda and salt.  Set aside.

Mix together the warm melted butter, and the cocoa powder and mix until smooth.  Whisk in sugar, vanilla and buttermilk.

Gradually stir in the flour mixture – and fold or mix gently until there are no streaks of flour.  Gently stir in the chocolate chips.

Drop the dough in one inch balls leaving about 2 inches in between cookies as they spread.

Bake for about 10-12 minutes.  A little hard to tell when done  – but they should be set around the edges but look moist and dark in the center.

Yum.  Enjoy!

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