This was good – “addictive” Sylvie said as she and I stood over the pan taking mini chunks with our fingers. Filled with seasonal spices – this dark and smooth cake is a winner for the holidays. (I know I’m a little late!) Very simple and easy to make – this is a good one to bake with the kids. No mixer – just a 2 bowls and voila – you are done! You can serve it in the afternoon for a snack, or dress it up in the evening with home made whipped cream and maybe some roasted pears. Oh, and while it is baking the house will smell divine. Once Upon a Chef just posted this and it is worth a look and sample. Enjoy –
gingerbread cake
From Once Upon a Chef – click here for the link and recipe. The only advice I have is to line the pans with foil, and butter. Or, parchment paper as it is easier to get the cake out and I get lazy about butter and flour.