Do you remember Mrs. Fields cookies and muffins? Well – these muffins reminded me of the Mrs. Fields raspberry white chocolate muffins (my absolute favorite). It was really cake. But I felt better eating them when they were called a muffin. These are not as rich, do not have white chocolate, and are strawberry as you can see.
I put them on the top of my “to bake” list and I’m glad I did! I didn’t have enough strawberries on hand so I added raspberries and wow. I love these. Everything about them – moist, fruity and the icing – well – yum! I follow dianemorrisey on instagram and EVERYTHING she cooks/bakes/presents calls out to me. I mean everything. And the joy she shares through food really is like no other.
I will just post her recipe here since it is concise and clear. You can mix the raspberries and strawberries as I did – or use only strawberries. Make them for your next treat. They are worth it.