With cinnamon coated apple chunks in the middle and on the bottom this cake is just perfect for this time of year.  Super moist, super tasty and very apple-y.  So easy too.  I’ve been searching for cakes to make with the use of fresh apples (not applesauce) and I finally found a good one after many failed attempts.  The apples are amazing right now and I’m just collecting them and I can’t keep up with my collection (a girl can eat only so many apples a day)!  Kim (my awesome dog helper) said “Best lunch ever!”  Sylvie, Rob, and Andy agreed delicious.  I planned on bringing it to a My Sisters’ Place meeting – but the kids begged me not too.  Next time I’ll make two!


This recipe comes from one of my favorite blogs SmittenKitchen.  Love it.  She calls it Mom’s Apple Cake.  I only changed it a tiny speck.

6 apples – good firm apples (I used a variety from the farmers market)  Mealy or mushy is not a good choice.
1 tablespoon cinnamon
5 tablespoons sugar
pinch kosher salt
2 3/4 cups flour (please look at baking tips under “flour” to make sure you are measuring correctly.  Too much flour isn’t a good thing   and most people make the mistake of packing it in.)
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 cup vegetable oil
2 cups sugar
1/4 cup orange juice
2 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
4 eggs
2 additional teaspoons sugar

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Grease, butter, or spray a tube pan or a bundt pan.  If a bundt be sure to grease well (and feel free to flour).  I used a bundt but Deb recs a tube – I just didn’t read that but It came out great.

Peel, cut, core and chop apples into 1 inch (or so) chunks. Toss with cinnamon and sugar and a pinch of kosher salt and set aside.

Whisk together the flour, baking powder and salt in a large mixing bowl.  In another bowl, whisk together the oil, orange juice, sugar, vanilla and eggs.

Fold the wet ingredients into the dry.

Pour half of batter into prepped pan.  Spread half of apples over it.  It won’t seem like a lot of cake but don’t worry.  Pour the remaining batter over the apples.  Then finish with the last half of the prepped apples on top.  Sprinkle with 2 teaspoon of sugar.

Bake for about 80-90 minutes, or until a tester comes out just clean.  Please try not to over bake.

If using a bundt pan, let cool for about 30 m – then invert and unmold and continue to cool.

If using a tube pan, you can let cool more – run a knife around the edges and invert.  This cake tasted very good even after a few days.


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