I’m aware that this is a terrible photo. Oh well…
I realize I’ve forgotten about Valentine’s Day. I did make little chocolate cakes today for a charity (well, and extra for my family) but I’m not sure I’ll have the time to write it up so fast that you can make it. But – if you are looking, these are from an older post – but worth revisiting. Delicious, decadent, and Valentine worthy – try these if you can. You will make someone very happy.
(From the original.) Big hit. Big Big hit. Sooo delicious. Pure chocolate, pure happiness. Rob ate one, and said – you know, I could easily eat the whole tray and I mean it. Sylvie, Andy and Greg all said so good mom…so so good. I gobbled mine up fast – as if someone was trying to steal it from me. Greg and Andy’s friends were over – Connor said, “did I just eat that, or did I die and go to heaven?” He sure knows how to compliment me (maybe he just wants to keep the treats coming.) Matt was also verrrry happy and loved the freshly whipped cream that went with it. I decided to make these on the fly on Saturday afternoon. I had all the ingredients in the house and I bet you do too! (Maybe?) Rob and I thought we’d go out and catch up – but suddenly we had 5 extra boys and at that point it just didn’t seem like a good idea. Rob seemed so sad, I think he was looking forward to a yummy meal (since he splurges a bit on Saturday nights) and here we were ordering in. In addition to all that, this was my last meal because I had to fast (liquids) on Sunday for my upcoming colonoscopy on Monday so I too really wanted a good treat that would last me 24 hours. I scanned my books and found this delicious and fairly simple recipe from Alice Medrich’s book, Bittersweet. Sylvie jumped right in, enjoying prepping the ramekins (buttering and sugaring) while I got the ingredients together. Not too much work here – just whipping up egg whites which I guess is the only part that some may find intimidating – but it isn’t. The best thing about these is that you can make them up to two days in advance (store in the fridge) – and bake them on the day you plan to serve which is such a treat for a dinner party. Make these and enjoy!
Click here for the recipe.